Escapade is over. (Except for the hitch-up breakfast tomorrow). It has been great. We met some very nice RV'ers and learned a few new things. We've enjoyed it very much.
Yesterday was Gary's birthday. Pretty low key without a big hoop la!! I cooked a BBQ pork roast for dinner. It was pretty good and Gary seemed to enjoy it.
Afterwards, we went to the Ham'o Rama. This was a talent show performed by our fellow Escapees. It was good. Professor Sex was there. Along with Elvis and Johnny Cash. There was an accordion player, a xylophone player, a piano player and several singers. Line dancing too.
At the closing ceremony, we learned the official count was 845 RVs and 1615 people. (At least my memory says that, I didn't write it down when it was announced. This is the most RVs in one place that I have ever seen. Tonight some of them started pulling out toward their next adventure. We're staying here until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. We're still 5th wheel shopping and plan to visit some manufactures in the area before moving on.
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